When you choose AKA Group as your Coach and or Mentor, you obtain the additional benefit of not only getting a coach or mentor that will guide you to what needs to be done, we will also assist you on how to do it.
Our programs have been designed to be more than Motivating Sessions. We know it's great to get motivated but you need more than that. You want someone that will also help you with the implementation and execution, not jst a homework list for the next session.
Our Key Point of difference from other Business Coaches is that our focus is on Cashflow & Final After Tax Profit Increases rather than just Sales Increases along with providing you with the skills and tools for ongoing success.
Increases in sales do not always equate to better cashflow, increased After Tax Profits or improve the Equity in your Business, which is what you would gain when you appoint us as your Coach/Mentor.
Please also refer to our Ask the Board Sessions and Mentoring Club, if you are not yet ready for one on one coaching/mentoring.
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